Agape Families Virtual Spring Benefit
Hey friends! Thanks for joining us at the annual Agape Families Spring Benefit – virtual style! In our pursuit to bring hope and stability to families affected by incarceration, we work hard year round to offer camps, mentorship programs, and encouraging events to bring positive impact and break the cycle of incarceration. We’re inviting you to join us on this journey and help bring change to your community today!
In the last 10 years we have seen…
— 1,128 Kids served
— 23 Agape Youth Camps
— 1,533 Volunteers
— 276 Worship songs
— 139 Meals served
— 160 Ski boats donated for camp
I’ve been going to small group for about two years now and it’s just an amazing way to connect with God and make a connection with friends. I love, love having a smaller group, cause you get to know everyone and have a personal connection with not only the other people but the group leader. I’ve got to dig more deep into the Bible with someone there to explain things to me better. You just dig way, way deeper in the verses in the Bible. But you get to have people there who are so loving and fun. If you are wanting or thinking about joining a small group, or just to get closer to God himself and to hear what he’s wrote just for us do it please! It’s an amazing way to get closer with God and not only that you get to have an amazing and fun time doing it. Just go for it, you won’t regret it!
—Eila, Agape mentee

Help a Family Today!