Agape Families

Welcome to Agape Families!

We hope you find comfort and support here with us. For over eight years we have been entering into difficult spaces and walking alongside families as they deal with the challenges and trauma of having a family member that is incarcerated. We know it isn’t easy. Not for you, not for your children, not for your spouses or siblings or anyone else that you may call family.

That’s why we’re here. To offer a helping hand, a loving prayer, a Christmas gift, a camp experience, a positive role model, and much more.

Learn more about our individual programs here, and if you’re ready to sign your child up for one of our camps or programs, sign up for registration alerts here. If you’re wondering “who in the world are these people?” view our staff below!

Welcome to the family, the Agape Family.

Sign Up For Registration Alerts

“Agape was an outlet for her when she didn’t have either parent, dad was incarcerated and mom was deep into her addiction. It has really helped her through some of the hardest times in her life. She’s learned so much about forgiveness, stayed positive, and never gave up!”

– Agape Parent

Who We Are

We are the kind of people who love having fun, being with people, and living out the hope of the Gospel everyday. Our passion lies in loving others well and supporting them through troubling times. That passion has found its way to Agape and we care about knowing you, knowing what you’re going through and helping you take a new step each day, walking with the same hope that drives us.

Agape Families

Faith Gilchrist


From: Beaverton, Oregon
Been with Agape since: Cabin Leader in 2013, Camp Administrator in 2014, Camp Director in 2017
Favorite Movie: The Parent Trap (Lindsay Lohan version)
Favorite Thing About Agape: Camp, but more specifically our final campfire night

Agape Families

Ellie Cross

Administration & Event Coordinator

From: Eugene, Oregon
Been with Agape since: Cabin leader since 2014
Favorite Movie: This is hard, probably Peanut Butter Falcon or Gifted
Favorite Thing About Agape: Creating great relationships with campers during camp and seeing them the next year and picking up right where we left off!

Agape Families

Andy Papendieck


From: Born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin!
Been with Agape since: Agape Families founder since 2012
Favorite Movie: Tie between Gladiator & Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Thing About Agape: There are so many, but if I have to pick one it would have to be the long term “heart connections” that develop between leaders and kids who participate in our year round programs and keep coming back to camp.

Agape Families

Jesse Aguero


From: Born and raised in Sacramento, CA
Been with Agape since: Served in multiple roles since the first Eugene Camp in 2012
Favorite Movie: Tough choice, I love movies! Probably a tie between Tombstone and Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Thing About Agape: Seeing the change in kids from the beginning of camp to the end, and their continued growth through the mentorship program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost money to sign my kid up for camp or other programs?

No! Camp and all Agape programs are completely free for families. We don’t want to add another financial burden to an already troubling circumstance, and generous donors are excited to participate in your lives in this way.

Did my registration go through?

All who register for our camps, events, or mentorship will automatically receive a copy of their responses to their email. If you did not receive a copy of your answers, then the registration did not go through.

What should I bring with me to camp?

A packing list will be provided at the New Camper Orientation, but the only supplies your child will need to bring are pants/shorts, shoes, pajamas, specific toiletry items, and medications if needed.

Will I get to meet my child’s mentor?

Absolutely. All mentors will meet with the parent and the child before beginning a mentorship relationship. The three will meet in a public place and the mentor will explain the process and what they are hoping to do with your child each week. This is a great space to ask questions and make sure the expectations between the parent, child, and mentor are clear before beginning weekly meet ups.

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PO Box 103, Eugene, OR 97440

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